Saratoga Bridges received a NYSARC Trusts Recreation Grant!

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For the 4th year, The Trustees of the NYSARC Trust approved a remainder fund grant for their 58 chapters.  In 2016, each chapter received $12,500 to provide recreational opportunities for the people they support.  We offered several initiatives with this grant including:

  1. Five (5) widely popular dances for adults held at the Saratoga Springs Knights of Columbus with live entertainment and refreshments. Individuals who live in our homes, in residences operated by local agencies, those that live on their own or with their families attended.  The dances were organized by Tina Lomaestro, Coordinator of our Social Club Program. They served close to 350 adults in 2016.
  2. Two (2) sessions of children’s yoga were offered with each lasting 6 weeks. Ten (10) children participated and were taught by a Certified Yoga Instructor and one of our Occupational Therapy Assistants who is certified in yoga for special needs children. d-3-1
  3. During February school vacation, a creative arts program was held for children with special needs ages 8-15. Twelve (12) children participated in a variety of fun-filled activities including arts & crafts, music, photography, dance, Autism Movement Therapy and 2 educational programs presented by the Saratoga Children’s Museum. february-break-2-small  febrruary-break-small
  4. They offered a free Creative Kidz Café Program presented by January Slater.  This is an arts and crafts program that gave children with special needs the opportunity to be creative, utilizing natural materials and to participate in music, Autism Movement Therapy and social play time.  January presented 2 classes in the spring and summer with 10 children in each session. Beginning at the end of November, she will offer this program 2 Saturdays per month.

In addition, remainder grants totaling $1,466,000 were awarded to support NYSARC Guardianship programs and an additional $1,874,000 was awarded in remainder grants was awarded in 2016 to support recreation and guardianship statewide. NYSARC Trust Services administer supplemental needs trusts that enable people with disabilities to remain in their home and community while retaining their Medicaid eligible services and other government benefits. For information on how NYSARC Trust Services may beneficial, visit their website at, call 518-439-8323 or 800-735-8924 or email at