We are making the move to Office 365!
Our new employee portal has reached the Beta-Level 2 development stage, so we would like to invite our users to sign in and explore its features. Not only will you see the links that you have become familiar with on our current employee site (home.saratogabridges.org), e.g., Kronos, Quick Stamp, etc., but also some new features that make this the secure mobility solution that Office 365 is. For example, you will see a link on the left side of the page called “Public DOC”, where publicly available documents are stored. This document library will replace the Public Folders on the S: drive that we are currently using.
Sign in using the same username and password you use to access email and Kronos, but add @saratogabridges.org to the username. Click or paste this link into the address field of a browser to open the logon screen: https://saratogabridges.sharepoint.com/employeeportal.
If you have any questions, please call our friendly IT staff at: 518-587-0723 ext.: 1333