If you or someone you know is interested in obtaining services from Saratoga Bridges, the process begins by contacting the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Who is OPWDD?
~ The NYS agency responsible for coordinating services to 126,000+ New Yorkers with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
~ The NYS agency responsible for certifying and overseeing approximately 800 voluntary agency providers (like Saratoga Bridges).
~ A provider of residential/day services for a small percentage of people served.
Please review OPWDD’s Front Door program — http://www.opwdd.ny.gov/welcome-front-door/home — to better acquaint yourself with the process and eligibility.
Once OPWDD approves you or your family member, please contact Julianne Furlong, Saratoga Bridges’ Intake Coordinator at 518-587-0723 ext.1227 or jfurlong@saratogabridges.org.