
Dear Friends,

Several years ago, when seeking assistance for our son Tom, we were fortunate to develop a relationship with Saratoga Bridges and their amazing team of hard-working, knowledgeable staff. Since then, this connection has truly been our ‘bridge’ in obtaining information, resources and support. Throughout our journey, we have tapped into many of the programs they offer.

Their SASSI (Specialized Autism Support Services for Individuals & their families) team visited our home on several occasions to assess concerns we had pertaining to behavior challenges and support strategies. Their recommendations have been very helpful. One of the most notable outcomes was that after Tom enjoyed taking an Autism Movement Therapy (AMT) class at Saratoga Bridges, we now have the instructor coming to our home to give him one-on-one yoga sessions (pictured below). He is learning relaxation techniques, improving focus and gaining greater flexibility. They also suggested that Tom might benefit from Occupational Therapy to address some of our concerns. The OT did a full evaluation and Tom is now receiving weekly therapy supported by our reimbursement funds.