Autism Support


As Autism diagnoses continue to increase, it is apparent to us that we must continue to commit to research on how to best serve children with autism spectrum disorders and their families. The Autism Task Force, which was established in 2006 and is comprised of both professionals and parents, continues to guide our organization and our services offered for individuals and families. Our mission as the Saratoga Bridges Autism Task Force is to research, identify and implement programs, support services and training opportunities that will create a best practice for staff and families. Most importantly, we develop “person-first” community opportunities for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

Saratoga Bridges has a rich history of providing the highest quality of care and services to children and individuals with autism spectrum disorders. In 2011, and in recognition of former State Senator Roy McDonald and his work with our organization, we opened The McDonald Family Resource and Discovery Center at our Administrative Building. This venue is complete with sensory equipment, books, DVDs, resource materials and lending library. This room is used by our Sibshops program and for various support groups and workshops.

The following are our various programs and services we offer to individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families:

Adult Social Club: This program provides social and recreational community opportunities to individuals over 21 years of age who reside at home with their families and are Medicaid Waiver eligible. The club plans their own activities and plans larger trips on Saturdays.

Caregivers Support Group: A support group for families who have children on the Autism Spectrum where they can share their experiences, challenges, joys, and dreams for their children with other families.

Being our Best Selves (BOBS) Social Skills Group: Facilitated by our Behavior Specialist and Language pathologist, this program offers young adults the opportunity to socially interact with their peers and share in planning and making a meal all while enjoying each other’s company in a supportive and encouraging setting. This program promotes better cooperation, conversation, problem solving and teamwork skills.

Sibling Support Group (Sibshops): This program provides opportunities for siblings of children with special needs to express their feelings, fears, thoughts and frustrations in a supportive group format. They can exchange information while enjoying fun activities and games that highlight their siblings’ many contributions. This program projects a strong emphasis on the fact that they are not alone and gives them an outlet to share their own experiences and engage in discussion groups for their friends’ preconceived views of their siblings.

Autism Support (SASSI) Reimbursement Program: A program that provides reimbursement to families caring for an individual with an autism spectrum disorder.

Autism Expo: Multi-agency event whose purpose is to bring together the community and families in Saratoga County while providing information on the different services offered within the community for those living with a disability.

For more information, please contact Rae Cangelosi, Assistant Director of Family and Community Supports at or 518-587-0723 ext. 1254.