We greatly appreciate the NYSARC Trusts Recreation Grant!

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Simon (left) and Erica (right) work on an art project during the February school break.

For the second year, The Trustees of the NYSARC Trust Services Board provided Saratoga Bridges with a $10,000 grant to provide recreational opportunities for the people they support.  We utilized this grant for several initiatives in 2014 including:

    • 4 widely popular dances for adults held at the Saratoga Springs Knights of Columbus with live entertainment and refreshments. Individuals who live in residences operated by local agencies and those that live on their own or with their families attended. The dances are organized by Tina Lomaestro, Saratoga Bridges Coordinator of our Social Club Program. They served close to 300 adults in 2014.


    • 2 sessions of children’s yoga were offered again. 12 children participated and were taught by a Certified Yoga Instructor and Wendy Ashe, Occupational Therapy Assistant who is certified in yoga for special needs children.


    • Autism Movement Therapy (AMT) classes were held. The sessions were taught by Kristy Cox, one of our Medicaid Service Coordinators who is a certified Autism Movement Therapy Level II Instructor, Yoga Instructor, & Barre Instructor, and had 5 children who participated. We were able to purchase large glassless mirrors that are mobile and can be moved throughout the building if needed. AMT uses the mirrors to assist children in using the mirrors to model, and imitate and to focus on themselves throughout the therapy.


    • Next Chapter Book Clubs were able to purchase new books. The people who engage in these Book Clubs have the opportunity at the completion of each book to purchase the book at a very low cost. This created the necessity to replenish books so that others have the opportunity of reading enjoyment.


    • Sibshops required a replenishment of arts and crafts supplies and materials.


    • During the February vacation, an art program for children ages 8-12 was held. 10 children participated and worked with our adult artists from Creative Endeavors. The children loved this activity where they created a variety of fun artwork while their artists thrived in a teaching role.


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In addition, remainder grants totally $1,660,500 were awarded to support NYSARC Guardianship programs statewide. A total of $2,207,880 in remainder grants were awarded in 2014 to support recreation and guardianship statewide. The NYSARC Trust Services administer supplemental needs trusts that enable people with disabilities to remain in their home and community while retaining their Medicaid eligible services other government benefits. Information on how NYSARC Trust Services may beneficial, visit their website at www.nysarctrustservices.org, call 518-439-8323 or 1-800-735-8924 or email at info@nysarctrustservices.org.